Getting to Know C-SPAN
May 11, 2021
Doug Hemmig
Getting to Know C-SPAN

Doug Hemmig has been at C-SPAN for over 21 years and is currently a member of its community relations team. He spends his time representing C-SPAN to a wide variety of communities all over the country and sharing how C-SPAN’s resources and content can be a valuable way to follow what is going on in Washington. He loves his job because of the important mission of the network and the dedicated colleagues he works with every day.

Doug began his time at C-SPAN working on the affiliate relations team. He represented C-SPAN to the cable industry at various events. He also advocated for the carriage of C-SPAN on cable systems all over the country. He also set up community events and promoted educational content to teachers all over the country. Earlier in his career, he was a Community Relations Manager for the American Red Cross. There he coordinated with hospitals to provide an adequate supply of blood to local communities in case of an emergency.

Doug grew up in the DC area and is often referred to as Boiler around the C-SPAN offices for his love of all things Purdue University related. In his spare time, he is a Rotarian in Rockville, coaches youth basketball, baseball, soccer, and lacrosse, and has coached for over 20 years. He is married for over 25 years and has four wonderful children.
