Rotary International Foundation - Worldwide

During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent over $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. Through your generous donation, the Foundation is able to help fund extraordinary projects and activities, including those that teach literacy, provide clean water, and work to eradicate polio worldwide. 
Make a world of difference in a BIG way! Now is a great time to make a donation to the RI Foundation. 
Ways to make your gift:
***NOTE: "Sign In to My Rotary" (your account) first when making a RI gift online so that your donation is tracked and recognition can be given/attributed.***
2) Bring a check to a club meeting payable to "The Rotary Foundation - International."
Don't forget - The Rotary International Foundation qualifies for tax-free donations from retirement accounts. Click here to learn more. 
Questions? Contact a member of our club's Rotary International Foundation Committee.