We are thrilled to announce that Anna Hernoud, Christina Usher, and Christie Weston have been honored with the Rotarian of the Year Award for their outstanding service to the goals and objectives of Rotary 14. This award recognizes Club 14 Rotarians who exemplify dedication, commitment, and exceptional contributions to our organization. These three amazing Rotarians truly embody these qualities and more. Their unwavering commitment to helping us through our transitional period this past Rotary year says it all. Together, they have consistently demonstrated remarkable attendance, active participation, and so much work behind the scenes on evenings and weekends in addition to seeing their friendly smiles every Tuesday at our regular meetings.
Each of these phenomenal Rotarians juggled multiple leadership roles–whether on the Board of Directors, handling reconciliation of our finances alongside our bookkeeper and Club Treasurer, auditing our membership rosters and updating our new member process, leading our Dictionary Project, serving as cashier and tracking lunches sold, making sure all attendees whether in-person or virtually received attendance credit, and helping onboard our new Club Administrator–providing hours of training and best practices…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
One remarkable aspect of Anna, Christina, and Christie’s contributions is their humility and selflessness. They do so much on a daily basis, but yet few realize how much time they’re putting in 24/7/365 to keep Rotary 14 operating smoothly for all to enjoy. Whenever a last minute need existed, one of these Rotary heroes was always ready to help.
It’s time to shine a light on these three beautiful souls with a heart for service. Our Club is better because of you, and I know that I (Jess Kinser) personally am better because of you. From all of us here at Club 14, please know how appreciative we are for your continued dedication, infectious joy, and passion for leaving everything better than you found it. Congratulations!